Thank you for your interest in publishing your paper, audio recording or video in International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work.
These instructions will help your submission to move smoothly through screening, peer review, production and publication.
Please also refer to the information about the journal’s aims and scope, publishing policies and ethics, Open Access publishing model and peer review process. These will help you determine whether International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work is a good fit for your contribution.
We look forward to receiving your submission here!
Preparing your submission – peer-reviewed papers, interviews and reviews
All papers should include:
- a descriptive title
- a brief professional biography of each author, including their affiliations (e.g. the organisation they work for)
- contact details for the corresponding author (usually an email address)
- an abstract of 200 or fewer words
- key words
- the article text
- acknowledgments if required, including of any relevant funding or conflict of interest
- a full reference list using APA7
We do not require a specific structure or headings to be used in the article text.
Cultural reviews
We occasionally publish reviews of books, films, exhibitions and other creative works. These reviews usually address content produced outside the field of therapy, rather than publications about narrative therapy and community work itself.
Rather than publishing reviews that offer only a summary or evaluation of a work, we are more interested in publishing review essays that stretch the field of narrative practice by making new connections, presenting innovative thinking, or introducing provocations. Such a review might address a single work or consider resonances among several works. We particularly value reviews that make links to practice, and reviews that make original contributions in their own right.
Word limit
We publish articles of between 4000 and 6000 words in length, inclusive of the abstract, references, endnotes and any tables, figures or captions. Reviews and interviews are often shorter than this.
Please use in-text citations and provide a full reference list following The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Seventh Edition (APA7). There is information about APA referencing conventions available here.
We are an Australian-based international journal and use Australian English conventions for spelling, punctuation, grammar and writing style. We generally follow the Macquarie dictionary (9th ed.) for spelling, and the Australian Government’s Style manual for authors, editors and printers (6th ed.) for language conventions and matters of style. We also respect the specific expressions, words and turns of phrase of non-Australian cultures and will honour these if they are included in your submission. The journal’s language conventions will be applied at the copy editing stage – we welcome submissions in any form of English.
Document set up
Please submit your article as an editable document such as a Word file.
As we have an open peer-review process, there is no need to remove your name or identifying details.
Use a 12-point typeface and 1.5 or double line spacing.
Please do not include a header or footer, page numbering, text boxes, columns or any decorative formatting. If you use referencing software, please convert fields to plain text.
Photos, illustrations, tables and diagrams
If relevant, you may include photos or illustrations in your article. These can be included within the document when you submit your paper. Authors of accepted papers will be asked to supply separate high-resolution files at the production stage. We publish colour, black and white, and greyscale images, and there is no cost to authors for their inclusion.
If tables or figures contain text, they must be submitted as editable objects. Please do not insert tables or figures as images.
You must own or have written permission use to any material to be included with your article. All tables, figures and images should be accompanied by a descriptive caption or heading, including attribution if relevant.
Copy editing
After an article has passed through peer review and been accepted for publication, it is copy edited for style, grammar, spelling, punctuation and so on. Although we copy edit every article, we appreciate it when authors take the time to thoroughly check for errors before submission.
Our editing process is quite technically thorough, and intellectually and politically rigorous. In addition to matters of language, it also attends to the politics of representation, ethics in practice and other substantive content issues. Many papers undergo substantive revision. In all cases, we seek to work with authors during this process to ensure that all changes are acceptable and fit with authors’ preferences for how their work is presented. Our publishing principles statement contains more information about the kinds of content issues we seek to address.
Video abstracts
Once a paper has been accepted for publication, authors may choose to prepare a video abstract of up to two minutes in length. This informal introduction to your paper will be published alongside your article.
Submitting your paper
Please submit your paper via the submissions portal here.
Preparing your submission – multimedia content
We apply the standards described in our publishing policies and ethics and aims and scope to all content published in the journal. This includes standards in relation to authorship and the requirement that people whose stories are represented have the opportunity to respond to their presentation.
Audio practice notes often describe an emerging area of practice or reflect on a current dilemma. Video contributions may be extracts from workshop or conference presentations, recordings of practice, or purpose-made works.
We generally prefer to publish audio and video works of around 10 to 25 minutes in duration.
Tips for making an audio recording
- Most mobile phone microphones are adequate, with an app like Voice Memos. Or you can use a microphone plugged into a laptop with an app like Sound Recorder or Voice Recorder.
- Place the phone or microphone down on something rather than holding it.
- Make sure you’re in a quiet indoor room (no humming from appliances or sound from outside). A carpeted space can reduce echo.
Please export your recording and submit it as an .mp3 or .wav file.
Tips for making a video recording
- Most mobile phone or web cameras are adequate. Check that the device you’re using can record in HD/1080p. A built-in microphone is often sufficient if it’s close to the person speaking. A basic plug-in microphone can also be useful.
- Place the device on something at eye level, rather than at a low or high angle.
- Consider lighting: avoid light from behind or directly above the person speaking. A soft lighting source in front of the person works well (e.g. a window or lamp light bouncing off a white wall).
- Minimise background noise, including humming from appliances
- Please film in horizontal/landscape orientation (rather than vertical/portrait).
Please export your video with 1920 x 1080 aspect ratio and 1080p resolution, and save as an .mp4 or .mov file. Files under 2GB are generally preferred, but larger files will be considered.
Recording an online presentation
We are happy to accept submissions recorded during online presentations. You can also use a videotelephony app to record a presentation without an audience.
- If you have access to a paid version of the app (perhaps through an institutional login), this will often give you additional recording affordances, including higher resolution recordings. Please select the highest resolution that is available.
- Please record using “Speaker view” or the equivalent (not “Gallery view” in which participants other than the speaker are visible).
- It’s helpful to have the “Background noise suppression” set to “low” if possible. This allows our editor to control what noise is cancelled.
Please save your recording as an .mp4 file.
Submitting your audio or video
Please email to discuss file transfer options: