Making history come alive: Seeking truth and justice, Vijaya Teelock interviewed by David Denborough

Vijaya Teelock interviewed by David Denborough

In this interview, Mauritian historian Vijaya Teelock discusses breaking historical silences, democratising history, intangible heritage, memorialising and the complexities of seeking justice and reparation for historical wrongs. The interview took place in Vijaya’s home in Mauritius with David Denborough, Cheryl White and Diana Shanto present.

Keywords: Mauritius; indentured labour; slave trade; memorialising; oral history; truth and justice commission; democratising history.

Teelock, V., & Denborough, D. (2023). Making history come alive: Seeking truth and justice: An interview with Vijaya
Teelock. International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, (1), 0–0.

Author pronouns: David Denborough he/him; Vijaya Teelock she/her

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