Curiosity, power and narrative practice, Perry Zurn interviewed by Zan Maeder

Perry Zurn interviewed by Zan Maeder

Perry Zurn
Zan Maeder

What are some of the dominant and alternative stories of curiosity? How do we wield it and to what effect? What does it mean to attend to the politics of curiosity in our lives and work and to acknowledge it as a collective practice and social force that can colonise, normalise and divide us and disrupt, liberate and connect us? Zan Maeder interviews Perry Zurn, Provost Associate Professor of Philosophy at American University and author of Curiosity and power: The politics of inquiry (2021) about work tracing histories of curiosity in philosophy and political theory and co-creating (with many other transgressors, past and present) possibilities for ethical and liberatory curiosity praxis.

Key words: curiosity; queer; colonisation; narrative practice.

Zurn, P., & Maeder, Z. (2023). Curiosity, power and narrative practice: An interview with Perry Zurn. International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, (1), 0–0.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Barry Sullivan

    I have a similar comment to Jack and Catherine. I was struck by the concept of curiosity and incuriosity. This has already prompted me to think more carefully about whether I am practising curiosity in a way that’s respectful to people I am working with. It’s also opened up for me the possibility of incuriosity as an active and respectful choice. As you mention in one of your responses, cisgender and heterosexual practitioners such as myself can be influenced by the idea of “needing to know” when working with trans and queer folks. As you say, what’s important to know is “how they want me to relate to them”. I hope I can hang onto this important understanding in my current and future work

  2. Jack O'Sullivan

    Hi Zan, thank you for your interview. Coming from a narrative lens helped me reflect Professor Perry’s work to my local context. Thought-provoking was your article for me. I was challenged by your asking “what kinds of questions could we ask ourselves in order to interrogate the kinds of curiosities we’re collaborating with”. This question is the crux of ethical practice. Thanks for introducing me to works of Perry – Jack

  3. Catherine Sevilla-Liu

    Thank you so much for this thought-provoking interview on curiosity. As the interview mentions, narrative practitioners employ curiosity so much that I also unequivocally thought it was a good thing. The interview made me more reflective about the ways curiosity as well as incuriosity are and can be used, their effects, as well as what mindsets they might be related to.

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