Narrative therapy, Buddhism, Taoism and Chinese medicine: An interview with Ming Li, Mandarin translation read by Ming Li and Qianyun Yang

叙事治疗、佛教 、道教与中医 李明博士访谈

Narrative therapy, Buddhism, Taoism and Chinese medicine: An interview with Ming Li, Mandarin translation read by Ming Li and Qianyun Yang

In this audio translation of a paper from the journal’s archives, David Denborough interviews Ming Li, a narrative practitioner in Beijing, China, with an interest in the resonances he sees between some narrative ideas and practices, and those of Buddhism, Taoism and other aspects of Chinese culture, history and medicine. Ming draws on multiple domains of knowledge and experience to describe some of the congruencies and points of difference he has noticed, and to explain what draws him to using a narrative practice approach in his own context.

Key words: Taoism; Buddhism; Confucianism; China; religion; narrative practice

This recording: Li, M., & Denborough, D. (2024). 叙事治疗、佛教 、道教与中医 李明博士访谈[Narrative therapy, Buddhism, Taoism and Chinese medicine: An interview with Ming Li] (M. Li, Trans.; M. Li & Y. Qianyun, Narr.) [Audio recording]. International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, (1), (Original work published 2020)

Original paper: Li, M., & Denborough, D. (2020). Narrative therapy, Buddhism, Taoism and Chinese medicine: An interview with Ming Li. International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, (1), 61–65.

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