Read more about the article Protected: Wai lo gatherings: Documenting continuing connection among people from Hong Kong — Jack Chiu

Protected: Wai lo gatherings: Documenting continuing connection among people from Hong Kong — Jack Chiu

First Nations peoples have been conducting research for millennia. As research methodology, Indigenous storywork puts Indigenous voices at the centre, transforming colonial structures by countering colonial stories that have spread across our land and claimed space. Indigenous storywork might also be thought of as a prequel to narrative practice. It offers synergies for First Nations therapists, community workers and scholars to understand contemporary issues in alignment with Indigenous world views.

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Protected: Poststructuralism and therapy: what’s it all about — Leonie Simmons

First Nations peoples have been conducting research for millennia. As research methodology, Indigenous storywork puts Indigenous voices at the centre, transforming colonial structures by countering colonial stories that have spread across our land and claimed space. Indigenous storywork might also be thought of as a prequel to narrative practice. It offers synergies for First Nations therapists, community workers and scholars to understand contemporary issues in alignment with Indigenous world views.

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