Name: Kou Kunishige


City or region: Japan / Hamilton, New Zealand

Phone: +64-22-362-2174

Particular interests and hopes for connection: I work as a narrative therapist, lecturer, supervisor, and writer/editor/translator for narrative therapy-related publications. I host a Facebook group for Japanese people interested in narrative therapy. It has reached 2600 people now (2022).

I am particularly interested in narrative work which may change dominating discourses in our communities and societies.

I hope to network & exchange ideas with other narrative practitioners.

My background is: Born in Tokyo, Japan. Graduated from Waikato University Counseling Graduate School, New Zealand. Member of New Zealand Association of Counsellors. /Member of Japanese Society of Certified Clinical Psychologists. Belong to Narrative Practice And Coresearch Centre (Japan) and Diversity Counseling New Zealand.

Specialty: Narrative Therapy, Multicultural Counselling, School Counseling, Supervision, Translation.

Teaching/supervision: Yes

 Meet with visitors: Yes

Receive referrals: Yes