Dear Reader,
Welcome to this collection of narrative practice papers from Singapore, UK, Australia, New Zealand, China & the USA!
It’s a diverse collection and we hope the ideas included here are helpful to you and those with whom you work.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Warm regards,
Cheryl White
‘Recipes for life: A collective narrative methodology for responding to gender violence’ Meizi Tan. (Pages 1-12)
‘We don’t give up: Developing family and community responses to adolescent-to-parent violence’ Ben Shannahan. (Pages 13-27)
‘Stories of hope and pride’ Emma Cox. (Pages 28-36)
‘Exploring narrative group work to responding to burn out in novice teachers’ Fan Lingli. (Pages 37-44)
‘Stuttering therapy when the problem isn’t stuttering: Using narrative practices in a fluency-centric society’ Voon Pang. (Pages 45-54)
‘The chasing of tales: Poetic licence with the written word in narrative practice’ Carmen Ostrander. (Pages 55-64)