Dulwich Centre Reading Room— one year subscription
Welcome to the Dulwich Centre Reading Room. This is an online treasure trove of writings about narrative therapy and community work! It contains all back issues of International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work (back to 2002). We are now also in the process of including a range of hard-to-find articles by Michael White and select back issues of the Dulwich Centre Journal, Dulwich Centre Newsletter and Dulwich Centre Review. Becoming a subscriber enables access to all of these. What’s more, we provide a finder service for any member of the Reading Room! If members are searching for a particular hard-to-find Dulwich Centre article, we will find it for you, and if it’s it not already in the Reading Room, we will bring it there for you. Like an online library service! We hope this comprehensive resource for narrative therapy and community work papers is helpful to practitioners.