Narrative therapy in psychedelic harm reduction: Supporting safety, agency and meaning-making — Blake Johns


Narrative therapy has been absent from the burgeoning body of structuralist literature on the psychedelic renaissance. This paper argues that structuralist approaches limit the application of principles of client empowerment. It demonstrates applications of politicised narrative practices to supporting client safety, agency and meaning-making. Thin pathologising and/or structuralist descriptions of problems were deconstructed, along with the politics of problems and psychedelic contexts. Clients were supported to develop preferred stories and identities through second-story development, and to richly describe intentional states and/or preferred identities. When used in psychedelic harm reduction, narrative therapy can support safely, empowerment and rich meaning-making.

Johns, B. (2022). Narrative therapy in psychedelic harm reduction: Supporting safety, agency and meaning-making. International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, (2), pp. 61–71.