This project recognises that young Australians from Muslim backgrounds have particular skills and knowledge that can be valuable to other young people throughout the country and beyond.
Using what are called ‘collective narrative practices’ it has been possible to elicit, richly describe and document these special skills and knowledge, and then circulate these via this publication, an accompanying DVD and website.
One of the key principles of collective narrative practice is to enable groups experiencing marginalisation to make contributions to the lives of others. In this instance, the hard-won knowledge of young Australians of Muslim heritage is now already making contributions to the lives of other young people. The sharing of these life-saving tips will continue over coming months and years.
To participate:
View the video, read further life-saving tips, and send us your responses. Or alternatively, let others know about this project and invite them to contact us.
For more information
For more information about collective narrative practice, see:
Denborough, D. (2008). Collective narrative practice: Responding to individuals, groups and communities who have experienced trauma. Adelaide: Dulwich Centre Publications
To the young people involved:
A wide range of young Australians of Muslim backgrounds have contributed to this project. These have included young people who were born in Australia and young people who were born overseas. Life-saving tips have been gathered from young people whose families are connected with Lebanon, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iraq, Indonesia, Syria, Sudan, Bosnia‐Herzegovina, Iran, and India. Some of the young people whose stories are included are religious, others are not. Some of the young people live in Sydney while others live in Adelaide.
Particular acknowledgements to:
Bill Reda (Photography), Zayaan Jappie, Sekneh Hammoud-Beckett, Sherene Idriss, Fatima Mawas Productions (DVD production), Lobna Yassine, Hassan Alizadeh, Nadia Yacoubi, Sally Khamasieh, Seide Ramadani, Sue Reda, Tim Carroll, Emma Rilstone, David Newman, Gina Whitfield, Susan Lane, David Denborough, Greg Maguire, Mark D’Astoli, Dr Gilbert Caluya, Leticia Uribe, Alejandra Usabiaga, Monica Duarte & Mark Trudinger.
The following organisations assisted us in this project:
Bankstown Youth Development Service, Southern Primary Health – Marion Youth, Bankstown Multicultural Youth Service, Muslim Women’s Association, Federation of Australian Muslim Student Youth, Belmore Youth and Resource Centre, Greenacre Area Neighbourhood Centre, Al-Ghazali Centre, Forum of Australian Islamic Relations, Koorana Child and Family Centre, Department of Juvenile Justice, ACL (Auburn), International Centre for Muslim and non-Muslim Understanding (University of South Australia).
This project was facilitated by Dulwich Centre Foundation Inc in collaboration with Bankstown Youth Development Service
This project was proudly supported by the Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship through the Diversity and Social Cohesion Program. The Australian Government is committed to addressing issues of cultural, racial and religious intolerance by promoting respect, fairness, inclusion and a sense of belonging for everyone. Visit the Harmony Day website for more information.
Dulwich Centre Foundation contact details
Dulwich Centre Foundation
Hutt St P.O. Box 7192
South Australia 5000
Ph: +61 8 82233966
Fax: +61 8 82324441