Dulwich Centre is now offering online training courses in narrative therapy!

We have already launched two courses: Externalising Conversations and Re-membering conversations and re-claiming lives from abuse. See below for more detail.

‘Externalising conversations’

This course consists of three parts and we suggest you complete it in three sittings.

Part one: The history of externalising
In Part One, you will watch three short video clips. In the first, Michael White describes in an amusing and engaging way his own history in relation to externalising conversations. In the second, you will witness Michael White working in therapy with a family in which one child is struggling with ‘Sneaky Wee’. And in the third, you will hear a unique therapeutic document! Having watched these three clips, you’ll be invited to contribute your reflections to a discussion forum (and to read other participants responses).

Part two: The evolution of externalising 

Sit back and watch a series of engaging presentations by Michael White about externalising conversations. A number of richly told stories of therapeutic practice are included. Michael also outlines ‘the statement of position map’ which shapes externalising conversations. Having watched these clips, you will then read a number of key articles, before testing your knowledge on the ‘externalising conversations quiz’.

Part three: Broader applications 

Externalising conversations are now used not only in therapeutic conversations, but also in a wide range of other contexts. Here you will watch a video clip in relation to externalising paranoia and read a number of influential papers about collective externalising conversations. You’ll then be invited to complete a 1000 word assignment. This will complete this course.

We’ll also ask your evaluation of this course. We hope you enjoy it and find it valuable for your practice. A Dulwich Centre faculty member will read your assignment, check over your quiz results, offer you feedback and send to you a certificate!

Once you enrol in this course you will have access to the materials for three months. Please note that the materials are for student’s private use only. They are not to be shared more widely. This is particularly important because this course includes footage of a real narrative therapy session. By purchasing this course, you are agreeing to these conditions. Thanks!

This course costs AUD$99.

Re-membering conversations and reclaiming lives from abuse

This online course is a unique opportunity for practitioners. Due to many requests, it includes video footage of Michael White facilitating a re-membering conversation with Chris and Jussey (Chris’ referring social worker). This conversation took place at Dulwich Centre in 2000. This course also includes video footage of Chris and Jussey discussing and reflecting upon this conversation with Michael ten years later. These reflections have been filmed especially for this course.

Chris and Jussey also speak about their work with Silent Too Long: a group for women survivors of childhood sexual abuse and how narrative practices can assist women to reclaim their lives from the effects of abuse.

This course will be invaluable to practitioners who wish to learn about the narrative practices of re-membering conversations and the ‘migration of identity’ map. It will also be vitally relevant to those working with survivors of abuse.

A number of key articles are also included. You will be invited to offer your reflections on the videos and articles, to participate in a quiz, and to write a short paper in relation to re-membering practices.

We have been very much looking forward to making this course available to practitioners … and we will be passing your comments and reflections back to Chris and Jussey.

Once you enrol in this course you will have access to the materials for three months. Please note that the materials are for student’s private use only. They are not to be shared more widely. This is particularly important because this course includes footage of a real narrative therapy session. By purchasing this course, you are agreeing to these conditions. Thanks!

This course costs AUD$99.

To get started

To learn more and to enrol in one of these on-line courses, click here.

Friday Afternoons at Dulwich Centre

We also have available a series of free on-line video presentations called ‘Friday Afternoon Videos‘. It’s possible to watch these now and also to participate in online forums!

If you have any suggestions for course topics you like to see, please feel free to email us.

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