journal-cover-2016-2Dear Reader,

Welcome to the first issue for 2016!

This issue includes a diversity of narrative practice papers, including:

– Thoughtful ways of expanding the possibilities of definitional ceremony practice
– Narrative projects from Greek practitioners responding to the economic crisis and rise of racism
– Creative forms of documentation

We’re delighted that this issue includes three papers from Greek narrative practitioners. The community of narrative practice in Greece continues to diversify and thrive. It also includes papers from Belgium and Australia.

We hope you enjoy this diverse collection!

Cheryl White



‘Definitional ceremonies as rituals of hospitality’ Sarah Strauven. (Pages 1-15)

‘Living in stories: Embodiment in therapy through liturgical practice’ Chad Loftis. (Pages 16-30)

‘When The Crisis broke out, our whole world went upside down’ The special skills and knowledge that are sustaining us during the economic crisis in Greece’ Margarita Katsikadelis. (Pages 31-37)

‘Fascinating Racism in the age of the Greek crisis: Stories of resistance’ Georgia Korre. (Pages 38-49)

‘Finding refuge: A travelling ‘Tree of Knowledge’ Aliki Meimaridou. (Pages 50-59)

‘Letter writing in two contexts: Facilitating stories of resistance’ Renee Butler. (Pages 60-70)