Dear reader,
In this time of pandemic, narrative practitioners in different parts of the world are responding to individuals, groups and communities the best that they can. In some contexts, there have been sparkling initiatives right in the midst of hardship. The first paper of this journal issue describes such work by Brazilian colleagues which we hope will be helpful to others.
Further papers in this issue come from Australia, Hong Kong and Qatar. The work described includes: the creation of preferred identity report cards in schools (rather than regular report cards); intergenerational experiential environmental projects; and narrative responses to recent hard times faced by people in Hong Kong. Also included here are papers about narrative approaches to group supervision; decentred evaluation; and applying a narrative therapy approach to linking social work students and graduates. It is a diverse and thoughtful collection.
We hope it brings you ideas and encouragement in this difficult year and we hope you and your loved ones stay healthy and safe.
Cheryl White
Teenagers and the COVID-19 pandemic
Lúcia Helena Assis Abdalla
‘There is more to me’: Creating preferred identity report cards at school
Tarn Kaldor
Using experiential environmental projects to engage unemployed young people and their parents
Hiu Ying (Queena) Chan
Stories and knowledge of responding to hard times: A narrative approach to collective healing in Hong Kong
(Jack) CHIU Tak Choi
Narrative group supervision in mainland China: A collaborative and re-authoring journey
Tsun On-kee Angela
Decentred evaluation that empowers: Incorporating a double-storied approach to evaluation interviewing and story production
Sonja Pastor
Winning stories: Responses to Ambivalence and Insensitivity
Nada Eltaiba