Topic 6: Documentation (due 2 September)

Welcome to Topic 4: Documentation. This reflection is due 2nd September, 2022 'Collaborative representation' by Sue Mann'Therapeutic documents revisited' by Michael White from the book Re-authoring Lives, Chapter 8'Collective documents as a response to collective trauma' by David Denborough,…

Collective Narrative Practices & Innovation Projects

The innovative projects which we discuss in this chapter draw on collective narrative practices that are concerned with responding to groups and communities who have experienced significant social suffering and oppression in contexts in which ‘therapy’ may not be culturally…

Topic 4: Documenting alternative stories/knowledges (reflection due 20 May)

Welcome to Topic 4: Documenting alternative stories / knowledges. This reflection is due 20 May, 2022. 'Collaborative representation', Sue Mann'Therapeutic documents revisited' by Michael White Chapter 8, Re-authoring Lives'Debriefing after traumatic situations - using narrative ideas in the Gaza…

The evolution of externalising conversations

In this second part of the course you will: Watch four video clips were filmed during a workshop Michael White conducted in Hong Kong, in 2001. The workshop was hosted by Baptist University and organised by Angela Tsun on-Kee.…

Actions to Identity Map

Next up, we’ll tackle the Actions to Identity Map. This will help us when we have a go at the Re-Authoring Map because it’s part of it! Specifically, this is a micro map that can help us navigate from…


In this chapter we provide materials that briefly outline some of the important histories that continue to inform and shape narrative practices today. You will be introduced to co-founders Michael White and David Epston as well as other influential people who contributed to…

Outsider Witness Group

This, like editorials, letters, reading out their words that you’re writing down, etc., is a practice of acknowledgement and uses a particular structure and the resonance of group members to achieve this. It has its history in both the…

First tape recording (due 19 August)

If you are completing the certification module, you will need to complete two recordings of a narrative interview, and this is the first one, due 19 August, 2022. You will find lots of great information about this in the…

First tape recording (due 18 October)

If you are completing the certification module, you will need to complete two recordings of a narrative interview, and this is the first one, due 18 October, 2024. You will find lots of great information about this in the…

Chapter 5: Intersectionality

In the fifth chapter of this course we’re going to focus on particular intersections of gender, race, class, culture and violence with sexual and gender expansiveness. This chapter is an invitation to always consider the multidimensionality of the lives…

Outline for final project (due 5 August)

If you're completing the certification module, you'll need to write a 5000 word project about how you have used narrative practice in your work over the year. This first assignment is an opportunity to share your initial ideas and…

Re-Authoring Map

OK, we’re ready to tackle Re-Authoring now. Whilst many narrative conversations try to make opportunities for interviewees to generally review, edit and re-shape the stories of their lives, this map provides a specific structure for doing this. Again, it’s…

Chapter 6: Narrative practice with families

In the 6th chapter of this course, we delve deeper into the relational. We learn about narrative practices for and with families and loved ones of sexually and gender expansive folk. And we will learn from the skills, practices,…

Key readings

To complete Part Two: the evolution of externalising conversations, please read these two chapters: Externalizing conversations (Chapter one, Maps of narrative practice), Michael White (New York, NY: W.W. Norton) Externalising – Commonly asked questions, compiled by Shona Russell and Maggie…

Critical Thinking

In this chapter we take a look at the ways critical thinking can contribute to our practice. Narrative practices invite us to be curious about where our ideas come from and their effects. Here we look at some of…

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