Gender Group at Peak House: Making space beyond inclusion, resisting cis- and Heteronormativity A response – Kelsi Semeschuk


In the article ‘Gender Group at Peak House: Making space beyond inclusion, resisting cis- and heteronormativity’ by Bhupie Dulay, Graeme Sampson,
Stefanie Krasnow and Vikki Reynolds (2019, in this issue) there are a multitude of concepts, ideas and practices that I found thrilling and capturing of my attention. Here, I will focus on one excerpt that I found especially relevant to my practice context. The explorations of the youth at Peak House, and those of Dulay and colleagues, in relation to ‘the interrelationships of substance misuse, gender and sexuality, systemic oppression and resistance’ were so richly described that I felt the need to hone in on particular aspects that linked to my context. I thought that I could most skilfully act as a witness1 to the stories told in this article from the viewpoint of my therapeutic practice, with access to the insider knowledges of the people consulting me.