Working with young people

This chapter focuses on creative work with young people from Zanzibar, Rwanda, USA and South Africa.   Resisting social injustices We start in Zanzibar where Gharib Abdalla has used re-authoring practices, the Team of Life, documentation and outsider witnessing in…


In Our Own Ways: Beyond psychological colonisation

Beyond psychological colonisation This web resource seeks to trace histories of practitioners, teams and communities in diverse cultural locations creating their own culturally resonant forms of healing practice within the fields of family and narrative therapy. It is hoped…


Welcoming new arrivals

This video is a message of welcome to newcomers to Adelaide from a group of young Syrians and friends who came to Australia as refugees. Here they share their tips for making a new life in Adelaide as well…


Statements of the heart

The  Uluru Statement of the Heart ends with the words: ‘We leave base camp and start our trek across this vast country. We invite you to walk with us in a movement of the Australian people for a better…


Narrative ‘development’ work

Poverty, conflict, and disease are like ‘clouds’ that encircle our communities. We must find ways to raise our heads above the clouds and work towards the world we hope for … Dulwich Centre Foundation is excited to be present…

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Working in contexts of war and armed conflict

We are currently working in a number of contexts to assist colleagues who are working in contexts of war and armed conflict. This includes being engaged in a three year partnership with the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims…


A continuing invitation to narrative practitioners to address privilege and dominance

This project has been initiated by a group of therapists, community workers and educators from Samoa, Aotearoa/New Zealand, Australia, USA, and the UK. As professionals and wage-earners we live with a considerable degree of privilege and freedom. At the…

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Preventing Prisoner Rape Project

The ‘Preventing Prisoner Rape Project‘ is a national project here in Australia aiming to:  raise awareness about the issue of rape in prisons; reach out and support prison rape survivors; support those workers both inside and outside prisons who…


Addressing men’s violence against women and state violence

Dulwich Centre has had a long-standing commitment to explore ways to respond to and prevent men’s violence against women and, at the same time, prevent violence of the state. These issues intersect when the police and prisons are put…

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Narrative songwriting

We have recently uploaded to this website a range of songs that were created through the use of narrative practices. We would be very interested to hear from other practitioners/musicians who are combining these realms. Over time, we hope to create an…

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Narratice coaching and organisational practice

Inspired by recent visits to La Fabrique Narrative  in Bordeaux, France, and the European Systemic Business Academy  in Vienna, Austria, where groups of organisational consultants are vigorously engaging with narrative practices, we have become very interested in the possibilities of ‘narrative coaching’.…

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Responding to intergenerational conflict

All too often, relationships between young people and their parents and grandparents become strained after experiences of migration. The Dulwich Centre Foundation is now involved in developing ways of working that provide opportunities for ‘inter-generational honouring’. As this is…

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Narrative Justice & and the (draft) Charter of Story-Telling Rights

Over the last few years, we have become increasingly interested in refusing to separate ‘healing and justice’. This has been particularly influenced by the perspectives of Palestinian narrative practitioners, such as Khader Rasras, and the work of counsellors and…

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