A Letter to Robyn: Explorations of the Written Word in Therapeutic Practice— Mandy Pentecost
This paper explores the co-production of a literary therapy. It is drawn from research conducted by Mandy Pentecost which investigated the therapeutic writing practices employed in one narrative counselling relationship in which Robyn was the client and Mandy the counsellor. Four different genres of writing were engaged with during the counselling process: ‘homework’ questions, a therapeutic letter, a ‘rescued speech poem’, and a short story. These four genres are described in this paper which is written in an auto ethnographic form in the shape of a letter to Robyn.
Categories: 2008, 2008: Issue 1, Journal
Tags: co-research, definitional ceremony, literary therapy, Mandy Pentecost, narrative practice, outsider-witnessing practices, poetry, re-storying, therapeutic documents
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