Dear Reader,
Welcome to the first journal issue for 2020. What a year it has already been.
Our thoughts are with those in communities most affected by the coronavirus at this time. We have listed a number of projects on our website at www.dulwichcentre.com.au/pandemic We would welcome hearing from you about these.
The first few months of 2020 saw the coronavirus wreak havoc in Wuhan in China. This issue includes four pieces with a China connection. Chinese narrative therapists, Sophie Shuang Cao, Ming Li and Sun Chao offer stories of practice and explore resonances between narrative practice, Buddhism, Taoism and Chinese medicine. We have also included a presentation from Chris Dolman that he delivered via weChat to Chinese volunteers responding to the coronavirus crisis.
The first section of the journal includes four sparkling narrative practice innovations from Japan, Australia and Rwanda. These range from narrative approaches in a domestic violence hotline; to bringing together child-centred play therapy and narrative approaches; to work with queer young people and their loved ones; and the use of games and activities to foster rich story development with children in Rwanda.
I hope the ideas and stories within this issue offer you new possibilities in your work.
I also wish you, your loved ones and communities, the very best during these times of pandemic.
With warmth.
Cheryl White on behalf of Dulwich Centre
Narrative practice innovations
2-10 Narrative approaches in a domestic violence hotline
Ryo Lumsden
11-23 Queer Invitations: Fostering connection between queer young people and their loved ones
Rosie Maeder
24-33 Child-centred play therapy and narrative therapy: Consilience and synthesis
Lani Castan
34-45 Games, activities and narrative practice: Enabling sparks to emerge in conversations with children and young people who have experienced hard times
Serge Nyirinkwaya
Narrative practice in China
46-60 Story variations: Resisting the cultural gaze
Sophie Shuang Cao
61-66 Narrative therapy, Buddhism, Taoism and Chinese medicine
An interview with Ming Li
67-75 Walking in Sunshine: Collecting insider knowledge about detaching from depression
Sun Chao
A presentation to Chinese colleagues at the time of coronavirus
76-85 Some useful narrative therapy practices for responding to people seeking psychological assistance
Chris Dolman