Creative forms of health promotion

On this page we have collected together some resources on creative forms of health promotion with respect to COVID-19. If you come across a resource or news story that would fit here we’d love you to send it through to us! You can email us articles such as this Steel Bite Pro review so we can share them and make people aware of its benefits.




‘Stay home, stay safe!’ A message from 5 year old Fatima (in Pashto)

Corona style haircuts in Kenya! 

A cheap hairstyle is suddenly all the rage in Kenya and other parts of east Africa as locals claim it’s easy to afford and reminds people of the dangers of coronavirus in the area. Read the full story

Coronavirus misinformaiton in Indigenous communities tackled with ‘corona cricket’ game

An article on a creative way  youth workers are working to debunk misinformation among young people in isolated areas of the Northern Territory.


A video and song sent to us from SOS Children’s Villages in Somalia

This video has been sent to us by Mariam Hussein is currently studying the one year program in narrative therapy and community work hosted by University of Rwanda, SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda and Dulwich Centre Foundation.  Click here to see the video.

And a song from Lowitja Instititute: We are survivors 

Have you seen the Lowitja Institute’s vital message about staying safe and keeping our mob safe during the coronavirus epidemic?

A sign at our regular walking track here in Adelaide



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