My son died at the beginning of last year when he was nine months old. He died in intensive care at Randwick. After he died, it was the worst time of my life. It’s been very stressful since then. It’s every day. I can’t get it out of my head. No-one knows nothing about it, it’s hidden deep inside. I go to the graveyard, to Rookwood Cemetery. Maybe four times a week. And when I am there I remember, I think about him and have a cry.

What made me get through it – I’m not through it – has mostly been patience. I have a lot of patience and this is linked to my religion. My faith helped when he died. I had a lot of friends coming over and they used to tell me that whatever hardships you go through, you’ll be rewarded at the end. God swears if I have patience everything will be alright.

Most of all though, I love going to the beach. I go to Dolls Point. I go there every Friday. I like taking the children there. It just calms me down. There’s no-one there… just the waves – it’s calming.


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