Level One Intensive – September 2024
Welcome to the Level One Intensive from the 2nd-6th September 2024! We look forward to having you join us in this adventure. Please login and you will be granted access to the course content.
Welcome to the Level One Intensive from the 2nd-6th September 2024! We look forward to having you join us in this adventure. Please login and you will be granted access to the course content.
Welcome to this training program! We're looking forward to working with you throughout the year. Please familiarise yourself with everything here and we look forward to seeing you soon. You can login below to access the course page.
Welcome to this training program! We're looking forward to working with you throughout the year. Please login below to access the course materials. Warmly,Dulwich Centre
Welcome to the Level One Intensive from the 5th-9th February 2024! We look forward to having you join us in this adventure. Please login and you will be granted access to the course content.
Welcome to the Level Two Intensive in Narrative Therapy! We appreciate you joining us on this virtual adventure. Please login below to access the course resources.
Welcome to this training program! We're looking forward to working with you throughout the year. Please familiarise yourself with everything here and we look forward to seeing you soon. Warmly,Dulwich Centre
Members of the Just Therapy Team. Charles Waldegrave, Taimalieutu Kiwi Tamasese and Wally (Warihi) Campbell Welcome to this free online course that conveys the stories, principles and practices of the Just Therapy Team from the Family Centre in Lower…
Welcome to this training program! We're looking forward to working with you throughout the year. Please familiarise yourself with everything here and we look forward to seeing you soon. You can login below to access the course page.
Interview and Essay To gain a certificate of completion for this course you'll need to conduct and interview, and submit a transcript of that interview alongside a short commentary on the interview itself (approx. 700 words). The commentary may…
Welcome to this training program! We're looking forward to working with you throughout the year. Please login below to access the course materials. Warmly,Dulwich Centre
Welcome to the Level One Intensive from the 4th - 8th September 2023! We look forward to having you join us in this adventure. Please login below and you will be granted access to the course content.
Welcome to this training program! We're looking forward to working with you throughout the year. Please familiarise yourself with everything here and we look forward to seeing you soon. You can login below to access the course page.
Welcome to the Level One Intensive from the 6th - 10th February 2023! We look forward to having you join us in this adventure. Please login below and you will be granted access to the course content.
Muharo and welcome to the 2023 Postgraduate CPD Training program in Narrative Therapy and Community Work! Please login below and you will be able to access all the course materials. If you encounter issues whilst logging in, please email…
Welcome to the Level Two Intensive in Narrative Therapy! We appreciate you joining us on this virtual adventure. Please login below to access the course resources.
Welcome to the Level One Intensive from the 7th - 11th November 2022! We look forward to having you join us in this adventure. Please login below and you will be granted access to the course content.
"My lifelong fascination for maps has led me to look at them as a metaphor for my work with people who consult me about a range of concerns, dilemmas and problems." - Michael White in Maps of Narrative Practice…
Welcome to this training program! We're looking forward to working with you throughout the year. Please familiarise yourself with everything here and we look forward to seeing you soon. Warmly,Dulwich Centre
Welcome to this training program! We're looking forward to working with you throughout the year. Please login below to access the course materials. Warmly,Dulwich Centre
Welcome to this training program! We're looking forward to working with you throughout the year. Please familiarise yourself with everything here and we look forward to seeing you soon. You can login below to access the course page.
To receive certification for this course, please complete the following: Post a comment once you have completed each chapter; and Complete an essay of 1,000 words (maximum) responding to the following questions: What three ideas or practices from this…
Welcome! We are really looking forward to getting to know more about your work and the ways in which you engage with narrative practices in your context! This online learning space includes the resources for your reflections, as well…
Welcome to this training program! We're looking forward to working with you throughout the year. Please familiarise yourself with everything here and we look forward to seeing you soon. You can login below to access the course page.
Welcome to the Level One Intensive from the 7th - 11th February 2022! We look forward to having you join us in this adventure. Please login below and you will be granted access to the course content.
Welcome to this training program! Please familiarise yourself with everything here and we wish you happy learning! Warmly, Dulwich Centre
Welcome to this free online course about feminisms, intersectionality and narrative practice! This course provides papers, videos and extracts to enjoy at your own pace across nine ‘chapters’ or ‘lessons’ (see the lesson list on the right hand side…
https://dulwichcentre.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/ANGLE-簡體.m4v简体版回想自二十一世纪初居于华人社会的我们有机会接触叙事理念,今天加入叙事实践这个社群的朋友有增无减,足见它定有吸引我们的地方。感谢达利奇中心的支持,我们有机会制作这个普通话线上课程,一齐探索叙事几个基本概念,让叙事本土化这个盼望迈进一步。期待听到您的反馈。 https://dulwichcentre.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/ANGLE-繁體.m4v繁體版回想自二十一世紀初居於華人社會的我們有機會接觸敘事理念,今天加入敘事實踐這個社群的朋友有增無減,足見它定有吸引我們的地方。感謝杜維曲中心(德威曲中心)的支持,我們有機會製作這個國語線上課程,一同探索敘事幾個基本概念,讓敘事本土化這個盼望邁進一步。期待聽到您的意見。 达利奇中心在此鸣谢所有为这个线上课程作出贡献的人。Dulwich Centre would like to acknowledge all those who have created this course! The project team consists of:德威曲中心在此鳴謝所有為這個綫上課程作出貢獻的人。 製作團隊的成員包括: Sophie Shuang Cao 曹爽Silver Chu 朱绍辉Chuk Wing Hung Keswick 竺永洪Jun Hou 候君Ka WingSharon Leung 梁瑞敬Hong Ru Liang 梁鸿儒Tse Kit Hung Chris 谢杰雄Tsun On Kee Angela 秦安琪Nathan Yeung 杨伟业 我们亦感谢:We would also like…
Welcome to the Level One Intensive for First Nations workers from the 30th August - 3rd September. Welcome! We look forward to having you join us in this adventure. Please login below to receive access to the course content.
Welcome to the Level One Intensive from the 30th August - 3rd September 2021 Welcome! We look forward to having you join us in this adventure. Please login below and you will be granted access to the course content.
The Sexualities, Genders and Narrative Practice Certification Module is $77 AUD. You can purchase the Certification Module here. After purchasing the Certification Module, ensure you’re logged into your account and then complete the following: Write a 1000 word reflective essay…
Welcome to this training program! We're looking forward to working with you throughout the year. Please familiarise yourself with everything here and we look forward to seeing you soon. Warmly, Dulwich Centre
Welcome to sexualities, genders and narrative practice — a narrative therapy and queer space AND a free online course! This course will give you access to a rich collection of free papers, videos and extracts to enjoy at your…
Welcome to the Singapore Graduate Certificate in Narrative Therapy 2021! We are really looking forward to getting to know more about your work and the ways in which you engage with narrative practices in your context! This online learning…
Welcome to this training program! We're looking forward to working with you throughout the year. Please familiarise yourself with everything here and we look forward to seeing you soon. Warmly, Dulwich Centre
Welcome to the Level One Intensive from the 8th - 12th February 2021 Welcome! We look forward to having you join us in this adventure. Zoom link for the week: Link: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/8769139625?pwd=Z0RqOEh0OXhNRjhlSU0wRGJIV2lXQT09 Password: 143620 Zoom link for day 4:…
Welcome to this training program! Please familiarise yourself with everything here and we wish you happy learning! Warmly, Dulwich Centre
Welcome to the Level Two Intensive from the 16th - 20th November! We appreciate you joining us on this virtual adventure. Resources for the week: PowerPoints for Day 1, 2, 3, & 4. Handouts for Day 1, 2, 3,…
Welcome to the Level One Intensive from the 9th - 13th November! We appreciated you joining us on this virtual adventure. Thanks everyone! Resources for the week: PowerPoints for Day 1, 2, 3, & 4. Greyscale PowerPoints by…
Welcome to this training program! We're looking forward to working with you throughout the year. Please familiarise yourself with everything here and we look forward to seeing you soon. Warmly, Dulwich Centre
Welcome to this training program! We're looking forward to working with you throughout the year. Please familiarise yourself with everything here and we look forward to seeing you soon. Warmly, Dulwich Centre
Welcome to the Singapore Graduate Certificate in Narrative Therapy 2020! We are really looking forward to getting to know more about your work and the ways in which you engage with narrative practices in your context! This online learning…
Welcome to this training program! We really enjoyed being with you in Kigali and now we're looking forward to working with you throughout the year and seeing you again in August! Please familiarise yourself with everything here and we…
Welcome to this training program! We're looking forward to working with you throughout the year. Please familiarise yourself with everything here and we look forward to seeing you soon. Warmly, Dulwich Centre
This online course is a unique opportunity for practitioners. Due to many requests, it includes video footage of Michael White facilitating a re-membering conversation with Chris and Jussey (in 2000). This course also includes video footage of Chris and…
Welcome to this introduction to externalising conversations. Externalising problems is one of the key concepts of narrative practice. Outline This course consists of three parts. We suggest you complete it in three sittings. Part one: The history of externalising…
The Aboriginal Narrative Practice Certification Module is $77 AUD. You can purchase the Certification Module here. After purchasing the Certification Module, ensure you’re logged into your account and then complete the following: Post a comment about at least 2 of…
Thank you for your interest in this free Aboriginal narrative practice online course. As Aunty Barbara says, narrative practice is about 'telling our stories in ways that make us stronger'. In this course you will be able to watch…
If you would like a certificate to acknowledge your completion of the What is Narrative Practice course, please purchase the Certification Module here.After purchasing the Certification Module, ensure you're logged into your account and then complete the following:Share something…
G'day and welcome to this free online course about narrative therapy and community work! This course is a gateway to free papers, videos and extracts to enjoy at your own pace. Across 9 ‘lessons’ or ‘chapters’ we have brought…