Acts of Resistance, Acts of Reclaiming by Loretta Pederson

Loretta Pederson works with families in Western Sydney at a non-government organisation. She also works in private practice and is a member of the Dulwich Centre teaching faculty. In this video Loretta speaks about working with women who have been subjected to sexual and physical abuse, using Michael White’s ideas of noticing responses to trauma. She recently gave a longer version of this presentation through Caspersen Therapy and Training Center.



References and further reading:

Beaudoin, M and Zimmerman, J. (2011). Narrative Therapy and Interpersonal Neurobiology: Revisiting Classic Practices, Developing New Emphases. Journal of Systemic Therapies, Vol 30, No 1.

Hung Suet-Lin, S. and Denborough, D. (2013). Unearthing new concepts of justice: Women sexual violence survivors seeking healing and justice. The International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, No.3, 18-26. Adelaide, SA: Dulwich Centre Publications.

Reynolds, V. (2011). Resisting burnout with justice doing. The International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, No. 4. Adelaide, SA: Dulwich Centre Publications.

White, M. (1992). Deconstruction and Therapy. In Epston, D and White, M. Experience, contradiction, narrative and imagination: Selected papers of David Epston and Michael White, 1989-1991. Adelaide, Australia: Dulwich Centre Publications. (Reprinted from Dulwich Centre Newsletter, 1991, No.3).

White, M. (1995). Naming Abuse and Breaking from its Effects. In Re-authoring Lives: Interviews and Essays. Adelaide, SA: Dulwich Centre Publications.

White, M. (2000). Re-engaging with history: The absent but implicit. In M. White: Reflections on Narrative Practice: Essays & Interviews. (Chapter 3), pp.35-58. Adelaide, SA: Dulwich Centre Publications.

White, M. (2004a). Working with people who are suffering the consequences of multiple trauma: A narrative perspective. The International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, No. 1. Adelaide, SA: Dulwich Centre Publications.

White, M. (2007). Maps of Narrative Practice. New York, NY: W. W. Norton and Co.

Yuen, A. (2007) Discovering children’s responses to trauma: a response based narrative practice. International Journal of Narrative therapy and Community Work, No. 4. Adelaide, SA: Dulwich Centre Publications.

Published May 22, 2015
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