From 1983 onwards, Dulwich Centre was known for holding free events on Friday afternoons. These ‘Friday Afternoons at Dulwich’ would begin at 4.30pm so that people dropped by on their way home after the working week. They always consisted of a good speaker sharing some aspect of their practice that was currently intriguing and challenging to them and this was then followed by discussion and drinks! Now, on Friday afternoons we are placing up on this website a video, maybe an audio recording, or a link to something very interesting. Of course, you can view this wherever you are in the world at a time that suits you, and then contribute to the discussion and debate. We are delighted that this new momentum of online discussion is continuing the ‘Friday Afternoons at Dulwich’ tradition.
We will welcome your suggestions as to topics that we could cover and if you come across particularly interesting video or audio recordings please let us know c/o We are also in the process of working out possibilities for translating the transcripts of Friday Afternoons into a range of other languages.
Disclaimer: Please note that the views expressed in Friday Afternoons videos and forums are those of the presenters and forum participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of Dulwich Centre Publications or Dulwich Centre Foundation. Dulwich Centre Publications and Dulwich Centre Foundation does not accept responsibility for them. Nor can we accept responsibility for the effects of using the ideas shared in these presentations in your own contexts. Watching these video presentations is not a substitute for training or supervision in narrative practice, both of which we thoroughly recommend.
This Friday Afternoon, Narrative Practitioner Annette Dudley explains her project, 'Unspoken Words'; it is about writing letters to significant Elders who have influenced her on her life journey.
In this Friday Afternoon video, Tileah Drahm-Butler aims to bring forth conversation on the ways that Narrative therapy can be used as a decolonising practice, where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge and skill in resistance is honoured and talked about in a therapy setting.
In this video, Viviane describes how she has been using a narrative framework to receive and document testimonies of trauma to support people to reclaim their lives from the effects of abuse and violence. She also shares a story…
This video explores the intersection of Critical Disability Theory with the principles of Narrative Practice. Norman Kunc & Emma Van der Klift are narrative practitioners who have disabilities; Norman has cerebral palsy and Emma is Autistic. In a conversation…
This video describes a narrative collective practice project in a community in Singapore that experiences financial difficulties and other complex issues. Conversations with the families set out to allow rich description of their experiences of 'Pocket Kering', or 'no money'.…
Loretta Pederson works with families in Western Sydney at a non-government organisation. She also works in private practice and is a member of the Dulwich Centre teaching faculty. In this video Loretta speaks about working with women who have…
Julie Tilsen is the author of the book 'Therapeutic conversations with queer youth: Transcending homonormativity and constructing preferred identities'. In the first part of this video, Julie discusses queer theory as a theoretical resource for therapeutic practice. Next, Julie…
This presentation entitled, 'Of drawers and coffee cups: Rescuing Relational Meaning from the Otherwise “Ordinary” Everyday Events of Life', is by Tom Stone Carlson and Amanda Haire. We're delighted to offer this video presentation from Tom and Amanda which…
G'day and welcome to this Friday afternoon video presentation from Dulwich Centre in which we invite you to join a project considering the challenges and possibilities in relation to narrative practices contributing to 'social movement'. I've also included various…
We're delighted to include here two videos from Reciclando Mentes/Recycling Minds (Brasil) and Romina Martínez/Marta Campillo (México) showcasing creative uses of the Team of Life Approach. Originally developed by David Denborough to assist colleagues in Uganda responding to former…
Leonie Simmons was born in Vietnam and adopted to an Australian family. This thoughtful and beautiful video describes her journey to return to Vietnam and her efforts to deconstruct taken-for-granted ideas about culture, identity, family and home. It will…
In this video presentation, David Newman describes the ways in which he is using living documents with young people in an inpatient ward. The documents he discusses will soon be collected and published in a special resource of young…
This presentation by Carolynanha Johnson explores the ways in which she is developing culturally appropriate forms of narrative telephone counselling to assist Aboriginal people to quit smoking. Finding ways in which narrative practices can be used in realms of…
In this video, SuEllen Hamkins presents her approach to narrative psychiatry: 'A cutting-edge approach, narrative psychiatry brings together narrative and biological understandings of human suffering and well-being. Rather than focusing only on finding the source of the problem, narrative…
Here Mark Hayward dives into considerations about practice evidence and outcomes research and then links these realms with Michael White's ideas about the position of the therapist. As you watch this engaging video presentation, please refer to the powerpoint…
Ncazelo Ncube-Mlilo is a Zimbabwean psychologist and narrative therapist living and working in South Africa. Here, she introduces the 'Narratives in the suitcase' project which seeks to use journey metaphors to assist child refugees. This work is inspired…
In March 2013, Ron Coleman, one of the leading figures of the Hearing Voices Movement, offered a keynote at Dulwich Centre's 11th International Narrative Therapy and Community Work which inspired participants. We're delighted to include five clips from his…
Caleb Wakhungu and the Mt Elgon Self-Help Community Project use narrative ideas and practices to spark and sustain local economic 'development' projects in rural Uganda. This video features a presentation by Caleb Wakhungu describing innovative work that links community…
This video features two presentations from the opening session of the recent 11th International Narrative Therapy and Community Work Conference, organised by Dulwich Centre, that took place in Adelaide, Australia from 6-8 March 2013. Aunty Barbara Wingard, senior Kaurna…
This video features Glenda Fredman from the UK. In a thoughtful and moving presentation entitled ‘Coordinating stories in therapeutic conversations’, Glenda discusses her work with a family in which a member has died. She also provides a framework for…
In this talk, Vikki illuminates her stance for an ethic of Justice Doing as a frame for community work and therapy, and consider the intersections, tensions and affinities between community work practice, therapy and social justice activism. Vikki’s stance…
Welcome to this presentation from central Australia by Amanda Worrall, in which she discusses the skills and knowledges of parents in circumstances in which a child is diagnosed with schizophrenia. We've also included a paper by Amanda on the…
In the first of these two clips, David Nylund describes some of the thinking that informs his work with transgender young people. This second clip is from an interview with William, a 16 year-old transgender male and…
There is a long history of narrative therapy approaches being used as a response to serious mental health concerns. Much of Michael White's early work involved responding to people who were experiencing psychosis (see the reference below to the…
One of the defining early characterstics of what has come to be known as 'narrative therapy' was the creative use of documentation or the written word. We therefore thought it would be fitting to focus this second on-line Friday…
"In Our Own Voice is a revolutionary act of self-love and a demand for visibility for African-American psychiatric survivors." This presentation from Vanessa Jackson provokes questions about the role of psychology and psychiatry in the oppression of African American…
G'day and welcome to this Friday Afternoon on-line launch of the Narrative Therapy Charter of Story-Telling Rights. David Denborough works at Dulwich Centre and Dulwich Centre Foundation and this Charter is part of a broader project in relation to…
G'day and welcome to this Friday Afternoon discussion which for the first time features presentations in both English and Spanish. Within these presentations, Marcela Polanco addresses the acculturation/decolonization of narrative therapy into Latin America through the means of “translation…
Gaye Stockell and Marilyn O'Neill have been engaging with narrative ideas for well over twenty years. They were two of the first practitioners to use 're-authoring practices' within psychiatric settings. In this video presentation they look back to the…
Welcome to this first Friday Afternoon presentation of 2012. We hope the new year is treating you kindly so far! In this presentation, Hugh Fox from the Institute of Narrative Therapy, UK, shares his ideas in relation to narrative…
In this Friday Afternoon presentation, Mark Hayward takes us through Michael White's Statement of Position Map 1 and how these enable externalising conversations. Within this presentation Mark will also invite you to chart an externalising conversation. Included below are…
Welcome to this Friday Afternoon presentation. This afternoon there is a treat in store, as Mary Heath presents 'Some things I have learned about sex, gender and sexuality'. This presentation uses stories about everyday life to explore ideas about…
G'day and welcome to our first Brazilian Friday Afternoon at Dulwich Centre. It's a great pleasure to introduce Adriana Müller and her presentation on the Rhythm of Life. This way of working draws on narrative ideas and musical metaphors.…
Welcome to another Friday Afternoon at Dulwich Centre discussion. This week promises another topic to stretch our thinking and practice! Barbara Baumgartner, from Canada, examines how, in her context, much of couple counselling (and the broader culture) takes for…
Re-membering reciprocal relationships by Chris Dolman and a reflection from Barbara Wingard Re-membering conversations are one of the key maps of narrative therapy practice. This video, by Chris Dolman, explores some interrelationships between re-membering conversations and the principles of…
Welcome to this Friday Afternoon discussion with Jill Freedman. This afternoon we welcome you into Jill's kitchen in Evanston, USA! After a quick introduction from Lily Freedman (thanks Lily!), Jill offers a wide range of suggestions about different narrative…
Loretta Pederson works within a narrative practice team at Telopea Family Support (Hope Connect) in Sydney’s western suburbs. In this presentation she considers ways that we can utilise narrative ideas when meeting with people experiencing suicidal thoughts. Practitioners are…
En esta presentación, el terapeuta narrativo Carlos Chimpen, describe las formas de evaluación narrativa que está implementando en casas de acogida. Carlos ha ofrecido amablemente su presentación en inglés y en español. ¡Gracias Carlos! Here, Spanish narrative practitioner, Carlos…