Collective Narrative Practice with young people with Aspergers who experienced bullying in their lives by Chris Tse

This video presents an experience of collective narrative practice with young people with Aspergers who experienced bullying in their lives. This project intends to connect young people together collectively. An innovative methodology of Smartphone of Life will be illustrated in assisting the young people to re-authorize their stories with alternative identities. The practice of externalizing conversation, re-authorizing conversation, outsider-witness practice and definitional ceremony will be described with the stories of young people. The local knowledges and skills of young people have been documented in co-creating the postcards for sharing. If you want to share your outsider witness responses to the young people after watching this video, you could send an email to them at

Tse Kit-hung, Chris is currently working in a public social service agency as a counsellor in Hong Kong. He mainly works with children and youths who have experienced difficulties related to the mental health issue or developmental disorders in their lives. He first encountered Narrative Therapy in 2005 and completed the Master of Narrative Therapy and Community Work in 2015. Chris is passionate in collective practice and he is committed to launch different kinds of groups and community programs in connecting people together in responding to different oppressions in the local community. He loves to meet different narrative practitioners. You are welcome to contact Chris by email:

Before introducing the video, Chris would like to acknowledge the young people who participated in the collective practice and agreed to share their stories.

Published February 17, 2016
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