Considering polyamory and narrative therapy by Barbara Baumgartner

Welcome to another Friday Afternoon at Dulwich Centre discussion. This week promises another topic to stretch our thinking and practice! Barbara Baumgartner, from Canada, examines how, in her context, much of couple counselling (and the broader culture) takes for granted a range of monogamous assumptions and values. What could couple counselling look like if this was not the case? What if counsellors engaged with the growing numbers of people interested in differing conceptions of intimate relations, including polyamory? After you have watched Barbara’s video we invite you to join the forum discussion on this topic.

Further reading

Barbara Baumgartner (2009) A multiplicity of desire: polyamory and relationship counselling. International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work 2:59-63.

Published January 24, 2013
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