In this talk, Vikki illuminates her stance for an ethic of Justice Doing as a frame for community work and therapy, and consider the intersections, tensions and affinities between community work practice, therapy and social justice activism. Vikki’s stance for Justice Doing in therapeutic and community work encompasses centering ethics, doing solidarity, addressing power, fostering collective sustainability, critically engaging with language, and structuring safety. Justice Doing opens our work to transformations for ourselves, the people we work alongside and our communities and society.
Providing alternatives to concepts of ‘burn out’ and/or ‘vicarious trauma’, Vikki conveys how our collective Justice Doing sustains us, nourishes our hope, invites us to honour the resistance and strength we witness in the people we work alongside, and allows us to work congruently with our ethics.
Vikki is a community activist, instructor and therapeutic supervisor, whose experience includes clinical supervision and therapy with refugees and survivors of torture, mental health and substance abuse counsellors, community activists, anti-violence counsellors and working alongside transgendered and queer communities.
See also: